All generations.

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8

Function.prototype.bind = function () { const fn = this, [context, ...args] = [...arguments]; return function () { return, ...args); } } const obj = { name: 'Inigo Montoya', }; const func = function (greeting) { return `${greeting}, my name is ${}`; }; const boundFunc = func.bind(obj); boundFunc('greetings'); // "greetings, my name is Inigo Montoya" boundFunc.bind({name: 'Michael'})('greetings'); // "greetings, my name is Michael"

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.12

Function.prototype.bind = function (context) { let fn = this; return function(){ return fn.apply(context, arguments); } }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8

Function.prototype.bind = function(context) { var originalFn = this; return function() { return originalFn.apply(context, arguments); }; }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.12

Function.prototype.bind = function(context) { var _this = this; return function() { return _this.apply(context, arguments); }; }; //

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8

Function.prototype.bind = function(context) { let self = this; return function() { return self.apply(context, arguments); } }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.12

Function.prototype.bind2 = function(context) { var self = this; return function() { return self.apply(context, arguments); } }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params.

Function.prototype.bind = function (context) { var fn = this; return function () { return fn.apply(context, arguments); }; }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.12

Function.prototype.bind = function (context) { var self = this; return function () { return self.apply(context, arguments) } }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8

Function.prototype.bind = function (context) { let newFunc = this return function() { newFunc.apply(context) } }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.12

Function.prototype.bind = function(context) { var that = this; return function() { return that.apply(context); } };

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8

function bind(func, context){ Function.prototype.bind = function(context) { var self = this; return function() { return self.apply(context, arguments); }; }; }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params.

var bind = Function.prototype.bind; Function.prototype.bind = function(context) { var func = this; // your code here return function() { return func.apply(context); } };

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.12

Function.prototype.bind = function(context) { if(typeof this !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('what is trying to be bound is not callable') } let _this = this; let args = [...arguments].slice(1); return function() { return _this.apply(context, args.concat([...arguments])); } };

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.1.3

Function.prototype.bind = function (context, ...args) { var binded = this; return function() { return binded.apply(context, args); } }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params.

Function.prototype.bind = function(context) { var bindArgs = [],1); var self = this; return function() { var args = []; return self.apply(context, bindArgs.concat(args)); }; };

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.1.3

Function.prototype.bind = function (context) { return () => };

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.1.3

Function.prototype.bind = function() { return }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8.1.3

Function.prototype.bind = function () { var fn = this, args =, obj = args.shift(); return function () { return fn.apply(obj, args.concat(; }; };

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8

Function.prototype.bind = function(context){ var fn = this; return function(){ fn.apply(context, arguments) } }

generate functionThu, 06 Apr 2023

You probably know about Function.prototype.bind method in JavaScript. It returns a copy of the original function but this function will always be called in the specified context. The problem is that you can't rebind another context any more. var func = function () { return this.prop; }; var obj1 = {prop: 1}, obj2 = {prop: 2}; func = func.bind(obj1); func(); // Will produce 1 func = func.bind(obj2); func(); // Will also produce 1 :( Your task is override the native Function.prototype.bind method by a new one that will allow you to rebind context multiple times. In this kata you don't need to worry about currying, testing function will never get params. Node version 8

Function.prototype.bind = function (newThis) { const func = this; return function () { return func.apply(newThis, arguments); }; };


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