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generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

from talib import abstract from datetime import datetime import backtrader as bt def fibo(self): # calculate the fibonacci levels # find the maxima and minima # get the index of the extreme candle # plot the fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle fibo()

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def fibo(t): n = len(t) return [t[int(n) * i] for i in fibonacci_sequence(1)][1:] #detect max and min max_in_range = max(df['High'].iloc[int(start):int(end)]) min_in_range = min(df['Low'].iloc[int(start):int(end)]) #determine max and min indices max_index = df[df['High'] == max_in_range].index[0] min_index = df[df['Low'] == min_in_range].index[0] #plot fibo start, end = max_index, min_index trace(df['Close'].iloc[int(start):int(end)], fibo(df['Close'].iloc[int(start):int(end)]))

generate functionTue, 11 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def find_extremes(data): max_candle = data.iloc[0] min_candle = data.iloc[0] for i, row in data.iterrows(): if row['high'] > max_candle['high']: max_candle = row if row['low'] < min_candle['low']: min_candle = row max_candle_index = data.index.get_loc( min_candle_index = data.index.get_loc( max_extremes = data.iloc[max_candle_index - 5:max_candle_index+5] min_extremes = data.iloc[min_candle_index - 5:min_candle_index+5] max_prices = max_extremes['high'].tolist() min_prices = min_extremes['low'].

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

perform a search on the BNBUSDT chart.P any maximum and minimum determine the maximum and minimum of the Japanese candle, which is at the extreme, and build Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def search_fibo(symbol, timeframe, max_candles, min_candles): # 1. Find MAX and MIN from the chart. chart = fetch_ohlcv(symbol, timeframe) chart_max = chart.iloc[-max_candles:].max() chart_min = chart.iloc[-min_candles:].min() # 2. Determine the candle of the extremum and build Fibonacci levels if chart_max == chart['high'].max(): extreme_candle = chart[chart['high'] == chart_max] build_fibo(symbol, timeframe, extreme_candle.index[0]) elif chart_min == chart['low'].min(): extreme_candle = chart[chart['low'] == chart_min] build_fibo(symbol, timeframe, extreme_candle.index[0])

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.offline import plot import talib import plotly def fibonacci_levels(df): a = df.Close.values b = df.High.values c = df.Low.values x = talib.MAX(b, timeperiod=1) y = talib.MIN(c, timeperiod=1) z = x-y o = y.tolist() p = o.index(x[-1]) q = df.Date.iloc[p] r = df.Date.iloc[-1] d = df.Date.tolist() e = d.index(q) f = d.index(r) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.Date[e:f], y=df.Close[e:f], mode="lines", name="BNBUSDT")) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def fibonacci(data): min = data[data['low'] == min(data['low'])] max = data[data['high'] == max(data['high'])] # fibonacci fib = [0, 0.236, 0.382, 0.5, 0.618, 0.786, 1] for i in fib: plt.axhline(min['low'].values[0] + ((max['high'].values[0] - min['low'].values[0]) * i), linestyle='--', c='r') plt.plot(data['close'])

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def draw_Fibonacci_line(df, interval, candlestick_interval): df['H-L'] = df['High'] - df['Low'] df['H-PC'] = abs(df['High'] - df['Adj Close'].shift(1)) df['L-PC'] = abs(df['Low'] - df['Adj Close'].shift(1)) df['TR'] = df[['H-L', 'H-PC', 'L-PC']].max(axis=1) df['ATR'] = df['TR'].rolling(interval).mean() df['Fibb_0'] = 0 df['Fibb_0.236'] = df['ATR']*0.236 df['Fibb_0.382'] = df['ATR']*0.382 df['Fibb_0.5'] = df['ATR']*0.5 df['Fibb_0.618'] = df['ATR']*0.618 df['F

generate functionTue, 11 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def fibonacci_levels(df): # Find the maximum and minimum of candles that have an extreme position maximum = df.iloc[df.High.idxmax()].High minimum = df.iloc[df.Low.idxmin()].Low # Use the function to find the Fibonacci levels fibonacci = fib_retracements(df['High'], df['Low']) # Draw the Fibonacci levels on the chart plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) plt.plot(df.index, df.High, label = 'High') plt.plot(df.index, df.Low, label = 'Low') plt.plot(df.index, df.Close, label = 'Close') plt.plot(df.index, df.Open, label = 'Open') plt.axhline(y=maximum, color='blue', linestyle='-') plt.axhline(y=minimum, color='red', linestyle='

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def fibonacci(chart, candle, num_lines, param): # chart: chart object # candle: number of the candle to draw fibo from # num_lines: number of lines to draw # param: either 'max' or 'min' to determine from candle low or high to draw fibo from # set baseline and extreme baseline = getattr(chart.iloc[candle], param) extreme = getattr(chart.iloc[candle], param) # set baseline to candle before baseline = getattr(chart.iloc[candle-1], param) # find the next candle with a higher high for i in range(candle+1, len(chart)): if getattr(chart.iloc[i], param) > extreme: extreme = getattr(chart.iloc[i], param) else: break # find the next candle with a lower low for i in range(candle+1, len(chart)): if

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def find_extremes(dataframe): high = dataframe['high'].max() low = dataframe['low'].min() extreme_candle = dataframe[dataframe['high'] == high] extreme_candle = extreme_candle[extreme_candle['low'] == low] if len(extreme_candle) != 1: raise Exception('More than one candle is extreme') extreme_price = extreme_candle['close'].values[0] fibs = [0.0, 0.382, 0.5, 0.618, 1.0] fib_prices = [extreme_price * (1 - x) + x * low for x in fibs] return fib_prices

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

# Function to search for the most recent minimum and maximum # Add function for min and max def find_min_max(data): min_value = data[0]['close'] max_value = min_value min_index = 0 max_index = 0 for i in range(1, len(data)): if data[i]['close'] < min_value: min_value = data[i]['close'] min_index = i if data[i]['close'] > max_value: max_value = data[i]['close'] max_index = i return min_index, max_index min_index, max_index = find_min_max(data) # Function to calculate the Fibonacci levels # Add function for fibonacci levels def fib_retracement(data, index, levels=[0, 0.07, 0.15, 0.23, 0.38, 0.50, 0.61, 0.78, 1.0]):

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def fibonacci_retracements(chart, days): high = chart.iloc[-1]['high'] low = chart.iloc[-1]['low'] if days > 5: high = chart.iloc[-days:-1]['high'].max() low = chart.iloc[-days:-1]['low'].min() print(high, low) fibs = [] for i in range(0,11): fibs.append(low + (high-low)*i/10) return fibs fibs = fibonacci_retracements(chart, 10) fibs

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

def search_max_min(df, long_num_candles, short_num_candles, step_candles): df = df.reset_index(drop=True) for i in range(0, len(df), step_candles): print(i) if i > long_num_candles + short_num_candles + 1: sub_df = df.loc[i-long_num_candles-short_num_candles:i, ["high", "low"]] max_price = sub_df["high"].max() min_price = sub_df["low"].min() if df.loc[i-short_num_candles, "close"] == max_price: print("max") df.loc[i-short_num_candles, "max_min"] = "max" elif df.loc[i-short_num_candles, "close"] == min_price: print("min") df.loc[i-short_num_

generate functionMon, 10 Apr 2023

search the BNBUSDT chart for any maximum and minimum to determine the maximum and minimum of a Japanese candle that is in the extreme, and plot Fibonacci levels from 0 to 1 on the extreme candle, where 0 should be at the extreme.

import plotly.graph_objects as go def plotFib(df, minimum, maximum): fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=df['time'], y=df['close'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='rgb(0,0,0)') )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[minimum['time'], minimum['time']], y=[minimum['close'],maximum['close']], mode='lines', line=dict(color='rgb(0,0,0)', width=2) )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[maximum['time'], maximum['time']], y=[minimum['close'],maximum['close']], mode='lines', fill='tozeroy', fillcolor='rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)', line=dict(color='rgba(255, 0,

testsMon, 10 Apr 2023

def search(lines, type_lines): for line in lines: if line.line_type == type_lines: return line def fibonacci_level(lines): for i in range(0,10): lines.append(lines.add_fibo_level(i/10)) def check_candle(lines, candles): for i in range(1, len(candles)): if candles[i].low < lines[-1].low and candles[i].high > lines[-1].high: return candles[i] else: return candles[i-1] def main(): lines = context.lines candles = context.candles fibonacci_level(lines) check_candle(lines, candles)

### Testing * When you run `python3 -m unittest`, all python files in the current directory that start with `test_` will be run. * If you wish to run a specific test, you can use `python3 -m unittest`. * You can also use `python3 -m unittest test_example.TestAdd` to run a specific test case. * You can run tests from a single file by using the `-f` flag: `python3 -m unittest -f` * You can also use the `-c` flag to exclude certain tests. * You can run tests with a specific argument by using the `-a` flag: `python3 -m unittest -a <argument>` * You can also run tests with a custom argument by using the `-c` flag: `python3 -m unittest -c <custom_argument>` * ### Writing tests * In order to write tests, we need to understand the basic structure of a test.

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