public void processPayment(ConsumerPaymentRequest consumerPaymentRequest) throws PaymentServiceException, IOException { String userId = consumerPaymentRequest.getIdentity().getUserId();"Consumer Payment validation: {}", consumerPaymentRequest); PaymentRequest paymentRequest = populatePaymentRequest(consumerPaymentRequest);"Payment Request JSON ::" + gson.toJson(paymentRequest)); //validate(consumerPaymentRequest); String payment_id = createPayment(paymentRequest); paymentRequest.setPaymentId(payment_id);"Created payment wit payment id: {}", payment_id); for (MetaData contactDetail : consumerPaymentRequest.getContactDetailList()) { PaymentAuthCreateRequest paymentAuthCreateRequest = populatePaymentAuthCreateRequest(contactDetail, consumerPaymentRequest.getClaimData(), paymentRequest, consumerPaymentRequest.getRepairOrder()); String paId = paymentAuthorizationManagementService.createPaymentAuthorization(paymentAuthCreateRequest); contactDetail, userId, paId));"Created the Payment Auth Entity with paId: {}", paId); ConsumerPaymentMobileRequest consumerPaymentMobileRequest = new ConsumerPaymentMobileRequest(consumerPaymentRequest.getClaimData(), contactDetail, consumerPaymentRequest.getRepairOrder(), payment_id); mobileAppNotifyHelper.invokePushNotification(consumerPaymentMobileRequest, paId, SEND); }
# Sprint 2
## Story 1
As a Software Engineer I want to be able to write test cases for my code so that I can be confident that my code works as expected
### Task 1
Using the newly created Jira ticket. Create a new branch
### Task 2
Using the newly created branch, add a test case that shows that the new feature that you added works as expected.
### Task 3
Commit your test case with the new branch
### Task 4
Push your new branch to the remote repository
### Task 5
Create a Pull Request with the new branch and assign it to the Dev Lead
### Task 6
Merge the Pull Request and delete the branch once it is merged.
# Sprint 3
## Story 1
As a Software Engineer I want to be able to write test cases for my code so that I can be confident that my code works as expected
### Task 1
Using the newly created Jira ticket. Create a new branch
### Task 2
Using the newly created branch, add a test case that shows that the new feature that you added works as expected.