
fix invalid codeTue, 18 Apr 2023

> str(mydata$Language_used_FODs) chr [1:3520] "Turkish" "Turkish" "Turkish" "Turkish" "Turkish" "Turkish" "Turkish" "Turkish" "Turkish" "Turkish" "Turkish" ... > mydata$Language_used_FODs <- factor(mydata$Language_used_FODs) > library(multcomp) > glht1 <- glht(model, linfct = mcp(Language_used_FODs="Tukey")) Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) : Variable(s) ‘Language_used_FODs’ of class ‘character’ is/are not contained as a factor in ‘model’. this did not solve the problem. please solve this problem

</details> ### Exercise 5 The following data contains the results of a competition where participants had to perform a task. The dataframe consists of the number of times participants completed the task and the amount of time they spent performing the task. <details> <summary>Hint 1</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 2</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 3</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 4</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 5</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 6</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 7</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 8</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 9</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 10</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 11</summary> <details> <summary>Hint 12</summary> <

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