> levels(s_complete$Gender_SNB) [1] "Female" "Male" "Non-Binary / Genderqueer" > anova(Model_DD_1) Analysis of Variance Table npar Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Condition_SNB 4 136.301 34.075 34.0754 Gender_SNB 2 1.684 0.842 0.8421 Condition_SNB:Gender_SNB 6 7.063 1.177 1.1771 please treat equally all the levels of the 'Gender_SNB' variable as well
> levels(s_complete$Gender_SNB) [1] "Female" "Male" "Non-Binary / Genderqueer" > anova(Model_DD_1) Analysis of Variance Table npar Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Condition_SNB 4 136.301 34.075 34.0754 Gender_SNB 2 1.684 0.842 0.8421 Condition_SNB:Gender_SNB 6 7.063 1.177 1.1771