
generate functionTue, 28 Mar 2023

There is a dataframe "df" containing data about texts in the following format: Category Message Length Words 0 ham Go until jurong point, crazy... Available only ... 111 [go, jurong, point, crazy, available, bugis, g... 1 ham Ok lar... Joking wif u oni... 29 [ok, lar, joking, wif, oni] 2 spam Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup fina... 155 [free, entry, wkly, comp, win, fa, cup, final,... The programmer has written code which should contain all the source messages classified incorrectly (specifying the actual and predicted ones). However, this code does not work and generates an error: KeyError. Here is this code: misclassified = [] For index, label_predicted in enumerate(predicted): if label_predicted != y_test[index]: misclassified.append({'message': df.iloc[index]['message'], 'actual': df.iloc[index]['label'], 'predicted': label_predicted}) misclassification_df = pd.DataFrame(misclassified) Fix it

misclassified = [] for index, label_predicted in enumerate(predicted): if label_predicted != y_test[index]: misclassified.append({'message': df.iloc[index]['message'], 'actual': y_test[index], 'predicted': label_predicted}) misclassification_df = pd.DataFrame(misclassified)

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