X: np.array [num_row, num_column] --- matrix-argument a: float --- meaning for converting odd elements of lines into x Return s: np.array [num_row, num_column*2] --- Matrix, where the lines are flexible lines of the original matrix X with lines, which are their transformations The function takes on the input matrix X dimensions n x m, the number a and Returns the matrix with dimensions n x m*2, the i-th line of which is glued I-th line X with its transformation of its line Transformation (X [I]), written in the reverse order, where the transformation for the number K is defined as: Transformation (k) = a if ind (k) % 2 == 0 else k ** 3 In the implementation of this function, it is necessary to use the functionality of the Numpy package
def R(X, a): return np.hstack((X, np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.hstack((x, np.where(x % 2 == 0, a, x ** 3))), 1, X).reshape(X.shape[0], 2 * X.shape[1])))