
generate functionTue, 18 Apr 2023

> table(indvar_FODs$categorical_FOD_FODs) ascending descending identity 1683 1432 206 > table(indvar_FODs$Condition_FODs) A B C D 880 880 880 880 > table(indvar_FODs$Language_used_FODs) English German Hungarian Italian Turkish 880 160 160 160 2160 categorical_FOD_FODs is the dependent variable. how can I apply multinomial logistic regression with interaction effect Treat each level of the Condition_FODs variable (4 levels) and Language_used_FODs variable (5 levels) equally. include the interaction effect of variables in the analysis.

options(warn=-1) library(car) library(lme4) library(lmerTest) library(lmtest) library(multcomp) library(lsmeans) library(plyr) library(nlme) library(afex) library(emmeans) library(effsize) library( library(multcompView) library(ggplot2) library(sjPlot) library(texreg)

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