Pust' koordinaty � 1 x 1, � 1 y 1pervoy tochki podayutsya na vkhod (podrazumevayetsya, chto oni podstavlyayutsya sistemoy iz zalozhennykh testovykh chisel). Puskay koordinaty � 2 , � 2 x 2,y 2vtoroy tochki zadany znacheniyami 3, 6 sootvetstvenno. Neobkhodimo nayti yevklidovo rasstoyaniye mezhdu dvumya tochkami. Yesli rasstoyaniye strogo bol'she epsilon, vyvesti na ekran "Vne klastera" (s pomoshch'yu print), inache vyvesti "V klastere". Evklidovo rasstoyaniye zadayem formuloy � = ( � 1 − � 2 ) 2 + ( � 1 − � 2 ) 2 r= (x 1−x 2) 2 +(y 1−y 2) 2 Ещё 566 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Перевод Let the coordinates � 1 x 1 , � 1 y 1 of the first point are fed to the input (it is assumed that they are substituted by the system from the embedded test numbers). Let the coordinates � 2 , � 2 x 2 ,y 2 the second point are set to 3, 6, respectively. Find the Euclidean distance between two points. If the distance is strictly greater than epsilon, print "Out of Cluster" (with print), otherwise print "In Cluster". The Euclidean distance is given by the formula
r = (x 1−x 2) 2 +(y 1−y 2) 2