A two -dimensional array X. For each line of array X, the following transformation must be made. Let the line X be given. It is necessary to build a new array, where all elements with odd indices are required to be replaced by the number A (the default value A = 1). All elements with even indices need to be built into the cube. Then write the elements in the reverse order regarding their positions. At the end, it is required to drain an array X with a converted X and display. Write a function that performs this transformation for each line of the two -dimensional array X. The array X should remain unchanged. From Copy Import Copy Def NP_TRANSFORMATION (X, A = 1): "" "" X: np.array [num_row, num_column] --- matrix-argument a: float --- meaning for converting odd elements of lines into x Return s: np.array [num_row, num_column*2] --- Matrix, where the lines are flexible lines of the original matrix X with lines, which are their transformations The function takes on the input matrix X dimensions n x m, the number a and Returns the matrix with dimensions n x m*2, the i-th line of which is glued I-th line X with its transformation of its line Transformation (X [I]), written in the reverse order, where the transformation for the number K is defined as: Transformation (k) = a if ind (k) % 2 == 0 else k ** 3 In the implementation of this function, it is necessary to use the functionality of the Numpy package
def transformation(X, A=1): ''' X: np.array [num_row, num_column] --- matrix-argument a: float --- meaning for converting odd elements of lines into x Returns: np.array [num_row, num_column*2] --- Matrix, where the lines are flexible lines of the original matrix X with lines, which are their transformations The function takes on the input matrix X dimensions n x m, the number a and Returns the matrix with dimensions n x m*2, the i-th line of which is glued I-th line X with its transformation of its line Transformation (X [I]), written in the reverse order, where the transformation for the number K is defined as: Transformation (k) = a if ind (k) % 2 == 0 else k ** 3 In the implementation of this function, it is necessary to use the functionality of the Numpy package ''' return X