> model <- glmer(cat_SNB_new ~ 0 + Condition_SNB * nativelang_SNB - 1+ (1 | subject_SNB), + data = s_complete, family = binomial) Warning message: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00334429 (tol = 0.002, component 1) why it did not work? please fix this
# Modeling - Mixed Effects In this section we will try to predict whether a participant was classified as a native speaker of Dutch or English. ## Predicting Participant Native Language > model <- glmer(cat_SNB_new ~ 0 + Condition_SNB * nativelang_SNB - 1+ (1 | subject_SNB), + data = s_complete, family = binomial) > summary(model) > anova(model) > model_interactions <- glmer(cat_SNB_new ~ 0 + Condition_SNB * nativelang_SNB + (1 | subject_SNB), + data = s_complete, family = binomial) > summary(model_interactions) > anova(model_interactions) ## Model Fitting Diagnostics > x <- cbind(s_complete$cat_SNB_new, s_complete$subject_SNB) > x <- cbind(s_complete$cat_SNB_new, s_complete$subject_SNB)