> pairwise <- pairs(means) > pairwise contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value A - B 0.0747 0.190 3317 0.392 0.9795 A - C -0.0476 0.190 3317 -0.250 0.9945 A - D 0.0215 0.191 3317 0.113 0.9995 B - C -0.1222 0.190 3317 -0.643 0.9182 B - D -0.0532 0.191 3317 -0.279 0.9924 C - D 0.0691 0.190 3317 0.363 0.9836 P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates please create these results in a table in APA style, to be presented in latex
print(pairwise, p.adj = "tukey")