generate functionWed, 26 Jul 2023

Write a C ++ program to implement Merge Sort algorithm to efficiently handle an input array that may contain duplicate elements. The goal is to modify the algorithm in such a way that duplicate elements appear in the sorted array in the same order as they appear in the input.

#include <iostream> class mergeSort { private: int *arr; int size; public: mergeSort(int *arr, int size); void sort(); void print(); void merge(int l, int m, int r); }; mergeSort::mergeSort(int *arr, int size) { this->arr = arr; this->size = size; } void mergeSort::sort() { mergeSort::merge(0, size/2, size-1); } void mergeSort::merge(int l, int m, int r) { int i, j, k; int n1 = m - l + 1; int n2 = r - m; int L[n1], R[n2]; for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) L[i] = arr[l + i]; for (j = 0;

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