
generate functionThu, 20 Apr 2023

categorical_FOD_FODs (3 levels) -dependent variable Condition_FODs (4 levels) -fixed factor/independent variable Gender_FODs (3 levels) please using RStudio, write a code to analyse the interaction effect between Condition_FODs and Gender_FODs variables on the categorical_FOD_FODs (DV)

data(diamonds) lm(price ~ carat + clarity + cut, data = diamonds) # Call: # lm(formula = price ~ carat + clarity + cut, data = diamonds) # # Coefficients: # (Intercept) carat clarity1 clarity2 clarity3 clarity4 clarity5 clarity6 clarity7 cut1 cut2 cut3 cut4 # -8.001e+03 -6.351e+03 -8.578e+03 -9.923e+03 -8.724e+03 -7.864e+03 -7.909e+03 -7.929e+03 -7.925e+03 -7.658e+03 -7.871e+03 -6.890e+03 -8.318e+03 # cut5 # -7.932e+03

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