> s_complete$Dotcounting_SNB[s_complete$Dotcounting_SNB == "missing"] <- NA > table(s_complete$Dotcounting_SNB) A-B-C-D A-C-B-D A-D-B-C B-A-C-D B-A-D-C B-C B-C-D-A D-C-B-A missing 2711 80 80 159 80 80 80 159 0
More information about syntax can be found [here](https://help.github.com/articles/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax/) # Notes on the data ## Format The data is in the form of a long table, with each observation representing a subject with a row. Observations are grouped into "experiments", with each observation belonging to one experiment. Each experiment has a certain number of columns, and each column is a different question or measurement. The data file has three columns containing information about the experiment, and some number of columns containing information about the subjects. The three columns are: 1. `experiment`: The name of the experiment. All the rows that belong to the same experiment have the same value in this column. 2. `experiment_name`: The name of the experiment in the form of a sentence. 3. `experiment_description`: A description of the experiment. ## Missing data If a subject does not answer a question, the corresponding cell in the table contains the value `missing`.