text to sql syntaxFri, 30 Jun 2023


## LEVEL 2: 1. Create a database named ‘customers’. 2. Create a table named customers in the customers database. 3. Insert into the customers table, three records with all data. 4. Update the first customer’s name to be ‘John’. 5. Delete the second customer. 6. Count the number of customers in the table. 7. Select the first customer’s name. 8. Select all customers. 9. Select all customers with the name ‘John’. 10. Select all customers with the name ‘John’ or the name ‘Billy’. 11. Select all customers with the name ‘John’ or the name ‘Billy’ and an age of 24. 12. Select all customers with an age of 24. 13. Select all customers with an age of 24 and order by ascending age. 14. Select all customers with an age of 24 and order by descending age. 15. Select all customers with an age of 24 and order by descending age. Limit the results to 2. 16. Select all customers

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