import mysql.connector conn=mysql.connector.connect(user='root',password='root',host='localhost',database='store') myc=conn.cursor() #details given by manager o="y" while(o=="y" or o=="Y"): m=""" ,,,,*shop bill management receipt*,,,, ,,,,*tax invoice*,,,, ,,,,*AR Mart*,,,, ,,,,*shop no. 4 kanjurmarg navy colony*,,,, ,,,,*kanjurmarg 400042*,,,, ,,,,*mobile number-8421468850*,,,,""" print(m) c=str(input("enter your choice(S\C\E\G\X):")) #press S for generating stationary bill #press C for generating clothing bill #press E for generating electrical appliances bill #press G for generating grocery bill #press X to exit from program if(c=="S" or c=="s"): print("STATIONARY BILL") date=input("invoice date:") impt=int(input("no. of item purchase:")) print("details of customer") customer=str(input("customer's name:Mr./Miss:")) address=str(input("customer's adress:")) city=str(input("customer's city:")) state=str(input("customer's state:")) mobilenumber=int(input("customer's mobile number:")) total=0 maxitem=41 # maximum number of items can be purchased at a time if(impt<=maxitem): for a in range(1,impt+1): print("serial no:",a) i=str(input("item:")) rate=float(input("price of item in rupees:")) qty=int(input("quantity of item purchased:")) value=qty*rate # total price of product with no. of quantity print("Total price:",value) # total amount of particular product total=total+value # total amount of all products sql="insert into item (serial_no,item_name,price,quantity) values({},'{}',{},{})".format(a,i,rate,qty) myc.execute(sql) conn.commit() print("Items Purchased Till Now:") myc.execute('select * from item') data=myc.fetchall() for row in data: print(row) print("Total Amount:",total) gst=28/100 gtax=total*gst #gst taxed amount price=total+gtax # total amount of all products after adding gst if(total<100): print("Final price:",price) elif(total>=100 and total<=800): discount=5/100 dprice=total*discount # discount amount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>800 and total<=5000): discount=15/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>5000 and total<=14000): discount=20/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>14000): discount=25/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) else: print(" Sorry You Can Only Buy 41 Items At A Time") print("STATIONARY BILL") elif(c=="C" or c=="c"): print("CLOTHING BILL") date=input("invoice date:") impt=int(input("no. of item purchase:")) print("details of customer") customer=str(input("customer's name:Mr./Miss:")) adress=str(input("customer's adress:")) city=str(input("customer's city:")) state=str(input("customer's state:")) mobilenumber=int(input("customer's mobile number:")) total=0 maxitem=41 # maximum number of items can be purchased at a time if(impt<=maxitem): for a in range(1,impt+1): print("serial no:",a) i=str(input("item:")) rate=float(input("price of item in rupees:")) qty=int(input("quantity of item purchased:")) value=qty*rate # total price of product with no. of quantity print("Total price:",value) # total amount of particular product total=total+value # total amount of all products sql="insert into item (serial_no,item_name,price,quantity) values({},'{}',{},{})".format(a,i,rate,qty) myc.execute(sql) conn.commit() print("Items Purchased Till Now:") myc.execute('select * from item') data=myc.fetchall() for row in data: print(row) print("Total Amount:",total) gst=8/100 gtax=total*gst #gst taxed amount price=total+gtax # total amount of all products after adding gst if(total<800): print("Final price:",price) elif(total>=800 and total<=6000): discount=5/100 dprice=total*discount # discount amount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>6000 and total<=11000): discount=15/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>11000 and total<=15000): discount=20/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>15000): discount=25/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) else: print(" Sorry You Can Only Buy 41 Items At A Time") print("CLOTHING BILL") elif(c=="E" or c=="e"): print("ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES BILL") date=input("invoice date:") impt=int(input("no. of item purchase:")) print("details of customer") customer=str(input("customer's name:Mr./Miss:")) address=str(input("customer's adress:")) city=str(input("customer's city:")) state=str(input("customer's state:")) mobilenumber=int(input("customer's mobile number:")) total=0 maxitem=41 # maximum number of items can be purchased at a time if(impt<=maxitem): for a in range(1,impt+1): print("serial no:",a) i=str(input("item:")) rate=float(input("price of item in rupees:")) qty=int(input("quantity of item purchased:")) value=qty*rate # total price of product with no. of quantity print("Total price:",value) # total amount of particular product total=total+value # total amount of all products sql="insert into item (serial_no,item_name,price,quantity) values({},'{}',{},{})".format(a,i,rate,qty) myc.execute(sql) conn.commit() print("Items Purchased Till Now:") myc.execute('select * from item') data=myc.fetchall() for row in data: print(row) print("Total Amount:",total) gst=18/100 gtax=total*gst #gst taxed amount price=total+gtax # total amount of all products after adding gst if(total<1200): print("Final price:",price) elif(total>=1200 and total<=4000): discount=5/100 dprice=total*discount # discount amount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>4000 and total<=7000): discount=15/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>7000 and total<=12000): discount=20/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>12000): discount=25/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) else: print(" Sorry You Can Only Buy 41 Items At A Time") print("ELECTRICAL APPLINCES BILL") elif(c=="G" or c=="g"): print("GROCERY BILL") date=input("invoice date:") impt=int(input("no. of item purchase:")) print("details of customer") customer=str(input("customer's name:Mr./Miss:")) address=str(input("customer's adress:")) city=str(input("customer's city:")) state=str(input("customer's state:")) mobilenumber=int(input("customer's mobile number:")) total=0 maxitem=41 # maximum number of items can be purchased at a time if(impt<=maxitem): for a in range(1,impt+1): print("serial no:",a) i=str(input("item:")) rate=float(input("price of item in rupees:")) qty=int(input("quantity of item purchased:")) value=qty*rate # total price of product with no. of quantity print("Total price:",value) # total amount of particular product total=total+value # total amount of all products sql="insert into item (serial_no,item_name,price,quantity) values({},'{}',{},{})".format(a,i,rate,qty) myc.execute(sql) conn.commit() print("Items Purchased Till Now:") myc.execute('select * from item') data=myc.fetchall() for row in data: print(row) print("Total Amount:",total) gst=4/100 gtax=total*gst #gst taxed amount price=total+gtax # total amount of all products after adding gst if(total<200): print("Final price",price) elif(total>=200 and total<=500): discount=5/100 dprice=total*discount # discount amount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>500 and total<=900): discount=15/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>900 and total<=15000): discount=20/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice) elif(total>15000): discount=25/100 dprice=total*discount print("Final price:",price-dprice)#final price is calculated after adding gst else: print(" Sorry You Can Only Buy 41 Items At A Time") print("GROCERY BILL") elif(c=="x" or c=="X"): exit() else: print("PLEASE ENTER A VALID PRODUCT CATEGORY") print(" S for generating stationary bill") print(" C for generating clothing bill") print(" E for generating electrical appliances bill") print(" G for generating grocery bill") t=""" ,,,,,,,THANK YOU,,,,,,, ,,,,VISIT US AGAIN,,,, ,,""" print(t) o=input("want to run again y/n or Y/N") bill Displaying bill
code to explanationFri, 25 Nov 2022