make me a discord bot that can bypass links like linkvertise and lootdest and all that type of stuff when someone does ;bypass <link> make only linkvertise and lootdest links supported and make it get bypassed to the final one please
Here's a basic Discord bot written in Python that can bypass links like Linkvertise and LootDest. This bot uses the library to interact with the Discord API. **Note:** Before running this code, you'll need to install the required libraries. You can do this by running `pip install requests` in your terminal. ```python import discord from discord.ext import commands import requests import re # Replace with your bot token TOKEN = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN' # Create a new bot instance intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.typing = False intents.presences = False bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=';', intents=intents) # Function to bypass Linkvertise links def bypass_linkvertise(link): # Send a GET request to the link response = requests.get(link) # Get the HTML content of the page html = response.text # Use regular expressions to find the final link final_link ='href=[\'"]?([^\'" >]+)', html).group(1) return final_link # Function to bypass LootDest links def bypass_lootdest(link): # Send a GET request to the link response = requests.get(link) # Get the HTML content of the page html = response.text # Use regular expressions to find the final link final_link ='href=[\'"]?([^\'" >]+)', html).group(1) # LootDest links have a specific pattern, so we need to extract the final link from the HTML final_link ='window\.location\.href = [\'"]?([^\'" >]+)', html).group(1) return final_link # Event to trigger when the bot is ready @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'{bot.user} has connected to Discord!') # Command to bypass links @bot.command(name='bypass') async def bypass(ctx, link): # Check if the link is a Linkvertise or LootDest link if 'linkvertise' in link: final_link = bypass_linkvertise(link) elif 'lootdest' in link: final_link = bypass_lootdest(link) else: await ctx.send('Unsupported link type.') return # Send the final link to the channel await ctx.send(final_link) # Run the bot ``` **Note:** This code assumes that the bot has the necessary permissions to send messages in the channel. You may need to adjust the bot's permissions or the code to fit your specific use case. **Note:** This code uses regular expressions to extract the final link from the HTML content of the page. This may not work for all cases, especially if the HTML structure changes. You may need to adjust the regular expressions or the code to fit your specific use case. **Note:** This code does not handle errors that may occur when sending the GET request or parsing the HTML content. You may need to add error handling code to fit your specific use case. **Note:** This code is for educational purposes only and should not be used to bypass links in a malicious way. Always respect the terms of service of the platforms you're interacting with.