gayrate bot that has built in discord application commands /gayrate <@user> and it generates a gay rate percentage add some owner commands too where they can rig it and use something like /gayrig <@user> <amount%> and add some more useful owner commands for this type of bot
Here's an example of how you can create a Discord bot using Python and the library that includes the `/gayrate` and `/gayrig` commands. ```python import discord from discord.ext import commands import random # Create a new bot instance intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.typing = False intents.presences = False bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/', intents=intents) # Dictionary to store user's gay rate gay_rates = {} # Event to indicate the bot is ready @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'{bot.user} has connected to Discord!') # Command to rate a user's gayness @bot.command(name='gayrate') async def gay_rate(ctx, member: discord.Member): """Rate a user's gayness""" if in gay_rates: gay_rate = gay_rates[] else: gay_rate = random.randint(0, 100) gay_rates[] = gay_rate await ctx.send(f'{member.mention} is {gay_rate}% gay.') # Command to rig a user's gay rate @bot.command(name='gayrig') @commands.is_owner() async def gay_rig(ctx, member: discord.Member, amount: int): """Rig a user's gay rate""" if in gay_rates: gay_rates[] = amount await ctx.send(f'{member.mention}\'s gay rate has been rigged to {amount}%.') else: gay_rates[] = amount await ctx.send(f'{member.mention}\'s gay rate has been rigged to {amount}% for the first time.') # Command to reset a user's gay rate @bot.command(name='gayreset') @commands.is_owner() async def gay_reset(ctx, member: discord.Member): """Reset a user's gay rate""" if in gay_rates: del gay_rates[] await ctx.send(f'{member.mention}\'s gay rate has been reset.') else: await ctx.send(f'{member.mention} does not have a gay rate.') # Command to view all user's gay rates @bot.command(name='gaylist') @commands.is_owner() async def gay_list(ctx): """View all user's gay rates""" gay_rate_list = '\n'.join([f'{member.mention}: {gay_rates[]}%' for member in gay_rates]) await ctx.send(f'Gay rates:\n{gay_rate_list}') # Command to view a user's gay rate @bot.command(name='gayview') async def gay_view(ctx, member: discord.Member): """View a user's gay rate""" if in gay_rates: await ctx.send(f'{member.mention} is {gay_rates[]}% gay.') else: await ctx.send(f'{member.mention} does not have a gay rate.') # Command to delete a user's gay rate @bot.command(name='gaydelete') @commands.is_owner() async def gay_delete(ctx, member: discord.Member): """Delete a user's gay rate""" if in gay_rates: del gay_rates[] await ctx.send(f'{member.mention}\'s gay rate has been deleted.') else: await ctx.send(f'{member.mention} does not have a gay rate.') # Token for the bot TOKEN = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN' # Run the bot ``` Replace `'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN'` with your bot's actual token. This bot includes the following commands: - `/gayrate <@user>`: Rate a user's gayness. - `/gayrig <@user> <amount>`: Rig a user's gay rate (only available to the bot owner). - `/gayreset <@user>`: Reset a user's gay rate (only available to the bot owner). - `/gaylist`: View all user's gay rates (only available to the bot owner). - `/gayview <@user>`: View a user's gay rate. - `/gaydelete <@user>`: Delete a user's gay rate (only available to the bot owner). Note: The `gay_rates` dictionary stores user's gay rates. The `gay_rate` function generates a random gay rate for a user if they don't have one. The `gay_rig` function rigs a user's gay rate to the specified amount. The `gay_reset` function resets a user's gay rate to a random value. The `gay_list` function displays all user's gay rates. The `gay_view` function displays a user's gay rate. The `gay_delete` function deletes a user's gay rate.