cohere selfbot which responds very rudely to messages that ping it and say something and it replys to that message content in a rude way also a selfbot is a bot you run on your account so the bots abilitys is on your account make it so i put my discord token in for the bot to be in my account make it only target this discord server id 1302331531964186654 make it ask cohere "reply to this message very rudely include swearing too"
**Warning:** Creating a selfbot is against Discord's terms of service. This code is for educational purposes only. **cohere-selfbot.js** ```javascript const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js'); const cohere = require('cohere-sdk'); // Replace with your Discord token const token = 'YOUR_DISCORD_TOKEN'; // Replace with your CoHear API key const cohearApiKey = 'YOUR_COHEAR_API_KEY'; // Create a new Discord client const client = new Client({ intents: [ GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent, ], }); // Create a new CoHear client const cohear = new cohere.Client({ apiKey: cohearApiKey }); // Function to get a rude response from CoHear async function getRudeResponse(message) { const response = await cohear.generate({ model: 'large', prompt: `Reply to this message very rudely including swearing: ${message}`, }); return response.output[0].text; } // Event listener for direct messages client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => { // Check if the message is from the target server if (message.guildId === '1302331531964186654') { // Check if the message is a ping if (message.content.startsWith('<@!') && message.content.endsWith('>')) { // Get the rude response from CoHear const rudeResponse = await getRudeResponse(message.content); // Send the rude response back to the user await message.reply(rudeResponse); } } }); // Login to Discord client.login(token); ``` **How to use:** 1. Replace `YOUR_DISCORD_TOKEN` with your actual Discord token. 2. Replace `YOUR_COHEAR_API_KEY` with your actual CoHear API key. 3. Run the script using Node.js (`node cohere-selfbot.js`). 4. The bot will log in to your Discord account and start listening for messages in the target server. 5. When a user pings the bot and sends a message, the bot will respond with a rude message generated by CoHear. **Note:** This code uses the `discord.js` library to interact with the Discord API, and the `cohere-sdk` library to interact with the CoHear API. Make sure to install these libraries using npm or yarn before running the script.