Tensae Aschalew


code to explanationThu, 15 Jun 2023

<?php echo "hello world"; ?> explain line by line and give me similar code like this in react native

## What is your favorite font? - [ ] Comic Sans - [x] Helvetica - [ ] Arial - [ ] Times New Roman ## What kind of music do you like? - [ ] Rock - [ ] Jazz - [x] Classical - [ ] Electronic # References 1. [PHP Day 1](https://gist.github.com/shahfahimam/bcb928e41d8a1278e0f5e6b0b713550c) 2. [PHP Day 2](https://gist.github.com/shahfahimam/49af4e3e28e71c2f46d21e6d0e5a6d4f) 3. [PHP Day 3](https://gist.github.com/shahfahimam/a0a9a9e8e1e6ec924d2f6ad3fdf3e5d4) 4. [PHP Day 4](https://gist.github.com/sh

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