from tkinter import * def result(a,b): print(a,b) return int(a) * int(b) def btnclick(i): operation = i if(operation == "add"): res = result(e1.get(),e2.get()) e3.delete(0,END) e3.insert(0,res) elif(operation == "sub"): res = result(e1.get(),e2.get()) e3.delete(0,END) e3.insert(0,res) elif(operation == "mul"): res = result(e1.get(),e2.get()) e3.delete(0,END) e3.insert(0,res) elif(operation == "div"): res = result(e1.get(),e2.get()) e3.delete(0,END) e3.insert(0,res) else: pass def btnclear(): e1.delete(0,END) e2.delete(0,END) e3.delete(0,END) root = Tk() root.configure(bg = "white") root.title("Calculator") root.geometry("400x500") e1 = Entry(root, font = "none 30", bg = "white",width = 30) e1.pack() e2 = Entry(root, font = "none 30", bg = "white",width = 30) e2.pack() e3 = Entry(root, font = "none 30", bg = "white",width = 30) e3.pack() B_ADD = Button(root, text = "ADD", font = "none 30",width = 10, command = lambda:btnclick("add")) B_ADD.pack() B_SUB = Button(root, text = "SUB", font = "none 30",width = 10, command = lambda:btnclick("sub")) B_SUB.pack() B_MUL = Button(root, text = "MUL", font = "none 30",width = 10, command = lambda:btnclick("mul")) B_MUL.pack() B_DIV = Button(root, text = "DIV", font = "none 30",width = 10, command = lambda:btnclick("div")) B_DIV.pack() B_EQ = Button(root, text = "EQ", font = "none 30",width = 10,command = lambda:btnclick("")) B_EQ.pack() B_CLEAR = Button(root, text = "CLEAR", font = "none 30",width = 10, command = btnclear) B_CLEAR.pack() root.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
--- **Exercise 2** Write a program that prints out a multiplication table (5 x 5, for example) of the first five prime numbers. Ask the user for the number of multiplication tables they want to print out. The program must work for any amount of multiplication tables and any amount of primes to calculate the tables out of. _Hint:_ you will probably want to use nested for loops.