
generate functionFri, 05 May 2023

> table(s_complete$cat_SNB_new) 0 1 2148 1360 > model <- lmer(cat_SNB_new ~ Condition_SNB * Dotcounting_SNB + (1 | subject_SNB), data = na.omit(s_complete)) Error in mkRespMod(fr, REML = REMLpass) : response must be numeric

> s_complete$cat_SNB_new[s_complete$cat_SNB_new == "0"] <- "No" > s_complete$cat_SNB_new[s_complete$cat_SNB_new == "1"] <- "Yes" > model <- lmer(cat_SNB_new ~ Condition_SNB * Dotcounting_SNB + (1 | subject_SNB), data = na.omit(s_complete)) > summary(model) Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] Formula: cat_SNB_new ~ Condition_SNB * Dotcounting_SNB + (1 | subject_SNB) Data: na.omit(s_complete) REML criterion at convergence: 611.2 Scaled residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -3.2218 -0.8447 0.0724 0.8313 3.1351 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std

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