For this part, you need to create a Java application for the racetrack where you can ‘drive’ your two karts around a central grassed area on one workstation. You can use the code provided to create the racing arena in a window 850 pixels by 650 pixels. You should select four keyboard keys for each of the two players. Two keys are used to change the direction of each kart, and the other two keys are used to change the speed of the kart. You can represent the motion of the kart by pixel displacement/screen refresh, with speed represented on a scale from 0 to 100. You can use a JFrame containing one JPanel that contains both the track and the two kart images, but you will also need a KeyListener to implement the key presses. You should consider how a change in direction and speed is implemented, as well as how you might implement collision detection between a kart and the inner or outer edge of the track.
## Step 3. ---- ### Codewars [Codewars]( is an educational community for computer programming. On the platform, software developers train on programming challenges known as kata. These discrete programming exercises train a variety of skills in a variety of programming languages, and are completed within an online integrated development environment. * Create an account on Codewars * Complete the following katas using Python * [Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No'.]( * [Given the string representations of two integers, return the string representation of the sum of those integers.]( * [Implement a function that adds two numbers together and returns their sum in binary. The conversion can be done before, or after the addition.]( * [Jaden Smith, the son