for (n += '<div class="sponsorsFirstORow', 0 != j && (n += " move1percet"), n += '">', i = 4 * (j + 1) - 4, r = 4 * (j + 1) <= r ? 4 * (j + 1) : s.length, i; i < r; i++) n += '<div class="sponsorFO">', "" != s[i].link && (n = n + '<a href="' + s[i].link + '" target="_blank">'), n = n + '<img src="' + s[i].logo + '" alt="' + s[i].name + '"/>', "" != s[i].link && (n += "</a>"), n += "</div>";
The code loops through the s array which contains the objects with the sponsors info. The code loops through the s array and stops at 4 * (j + 1) which is the nr of the row. The first row is 0, second row is 1, third row is 2 and the fourth row is 3.